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How To Capture a Listing In a DRAFT Format

  • FAQ
  • May 29, 2020
How To Capture a Listing In a DRAFT Format

How to capture a listing in a DRAFT format V1.0

Capturing a listing in the DRAFT format is exactly the same as capturing a new listing, but you do not submit the listing at any time.

Capture the listing, leave the page and return to the DRAFT dropdown on LMS at any time to resume. Go to any TAB on LMS and the listing will save to Drafts.

A listing will only become active once the SUBMIT button is selected and the portals for feeding to PP and P24 are selected.

On LMS under Drafts, listing currently waiting to be made active:

Only on the last step (9 of 9) and when the portal feeds are selected and you chose to SUBMIT will the listing become active.


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